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Web Workflows - Integrate Your Website with Your Business

Based in beautiful Hervey Bay, webworklfows implements direct workflows from your web based forms into your preferred Microsoft environment, allowing you to take advantage of business automation starting on your website.

When it comes to creating workflows from website forms to Microsoft, there are several options available that can help streamline data collection and automate processes. In this essay, we will explore three popular methods for integrating website forms with Microsoft platforms: Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft Forms, and Microsoft SharePoint.

  1. Microsoft Power Automate: Microsoft Power Automate, previously known as Microsoft Flow, is a powerful cloud-based service that allows users to create automated workflows between different applications and services. Power Automate provides a wide range of connectors and triggers that can integrate with various systems, including website forms.

To create a workflow from a website form to Microsoft using Power Automate, you can follow these steps:

  1. Begin by creating a new flow in Power Automate.
  2. Select the appropriate trigger, such as “When a new response is submitted in a form.”
  3. Choose the form that you want to integrate with from the list of available options.
  4. Define the actions you want to take when a form response is received. For example, you can create a new item in a SharePoint list, send an email notification, or update a record in Dynamics 365.
  5. Configure the specific fields and data mapping between the form and the destination Microsoft platform.
  6. Save and activate the flow, and it will start running whenever a new form response is submitted.

With Power Automate, you can create sophisticated workflows that involve multiple steps, conditions, and integrations, allowing you to automate complex processes efficiently.

  1. Microsoft Forms: Microsoft Forms is a user-friendly survey and form-building tool that allows you to create customized forms and collect data easily. While Microsoft Forms is primarily designed for data collection, it also provides integration options with other Microsoft applications.

To integrate a Microsoft Form with other Microsoft platforms, including SharePoint or Excel, you can use the built-in options provided within Microsoft Forms:

  1. Create a new form in Microsoft Forms, designing the questions and fields according to your requirements.
  2. Once the form is created, you can access the “Responses” tab and choose the “Open in Excel” option to export the form responses to an Excel file.
  3. The Excel file can be saved in SharePoint or OneDrive for easy access and collaboration.
  4. By utilizing Excel’s data connectivity features, you can create workflows or automate further actions based on the data collected from the form.

While Microsoft Forms offers limited customization and workflow capabilities compared to Power Automate, it provides a straightforward way to collect and export form data to Microsoft platforms like SharePoint and Excel.

  1. Microsoft SharePoint: Microsoft SharePoint is a versatile platform that enables organizations to create and manage collaborative websites, document libraries, lists, and workflows. SharePoint offers powerful features for collecting data through custom forms and integrating it with various Microsoft applications.

To create a workflow from a website form to Microsoft using SharePoint, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a custom form in SharePoint using tools like SharePoint Designer or Power Apps. These tools allow you to design and customize the form according to your specific requirements.
  2. Add the necessary fields and controls to the form, such as text boxes, drop-down lists, or checkboxes, to capture the desired data.
  3. Configure the form to save the submitted data to a SharePoint list or library.
  4. Once the data is stored in SharePoint, you can leverage SharePoint’s built-in workflows or create custom workflows using tools like SharePoint Designer, Power Automate, or Microsoft Power Apps to automate processes based on the form submissions.
  5. The workflows can trigger actions such as sending email notifications, updating records in SharePoint or other Microsoft applications, or initiating approval processes.

SharePoint provides extensive workflow capabilities, making it a robust option for creating complex workflows that involve website forms and integration with various Microsoft platforms.

Contact us today for your free consultation, whether you are based in Hervey Bay or anywhere in Australia we will be able to automate your web to business workflows.